Bridal showers are so much fun, but when it comes to opening the gifts you see a ton of the same stuff at each shower. Glasses, mixing bowls, towels, baking sheets and well you get the point. Sometimes it’s fun to get something not on the registry and I’m not talking about the re-gifted item or one that you don’t know what to do with when you get home ;)
Option 1
At both my shower and my girlfriend’s shower we got a version of the coolest gift idea. I’ve been trying to come up with a proper name for this thing, but can’t … so let’s just go with “wine basket”.
Mine …
A poem was on each bottle describing when we should drink the wine. In addition it came with wine bottle accessories such as chocolate, picnic blanket, fire cd and stoppers. Each extra item went with a bottle.
My Friends …
Photo Credit: Sara Without an H
These had HAND MADE labels (so much artistic talent) and again said the circumstance to drink the wine.
I mean really, how cool are those!?!?! The best part about this type of gift is it is totally customizable. It is also wallet adjustable since you can modify the number of bottles of wine and accessories you purchase.
Option 2
Now this item I haven’t actually seen been given at a shower (YET!), but I think it would be a fabulous shower gift. It’s a “Mrs. Hanger” for the bride’s wedding dress. You can find these all over Etsy. If the bride isn’t taking her husband’s last name you could also have the hanger personalized with Bride, I Do or something else along those lines.
I purchased the tiffany blue hanger with the notches (these are key to keeping the dress on the hanger). The blue hanger doubled for as an extra something blue on the big day.
Take a look …
Note: This is a camera phone picture
I just LOVED the hanger. It added a little something extra for the dress pictures and I got a ton of compliments on it. Sorry I just had to thrown in a couple pictures of my dress here. Oh and the hanger too =)
Photo Credit: Korie Lynn Photography
I’m dying for more unique bridal shower gift ideas, so please do add a comment with your non traditional gift tidbits.
Happy gift giving!!