A year ago I married my best friend and love of my life. Our special day feels like so long ago and yet at the same time like it was yesterday. It is one of those days I would absolutely love to relive. Exactly a year late my husband and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary in style! After a romantic weekend away in Charlottesville we celebrated the actual big day with a glass of wine on the balcony followed by dinner at Tosca. Tosca has some AAAmazing Italian food!! If you go to this place you MUST MUST MUST try the Rosemary and thyme fettuccine with a roasted leg of lamb ragu and braised artichokes … it’s absolutely to die for!
After an amazing dinner we headed home to eat cake. And not just any cake, but the top of our wedding cake! I’m curious how this tradition of freezing the top layer of your wedding cake and eating it on your one year anniversary came about, but in any case we honored this tradition. My mother-in-law wrapped the cake up for us and let’s just say she rocked it. This cake top looks just like it did 364 days ago!
Even the top looks great and I have to admit we piled a stuff on top of it at some point.
How yummy does this look? It’s almost like the perfect slice.
Although the cake wasn’t nearly as good as it was a year ago it was fun to eat our wedding cake on our 1 year anniversary. Given how amazing our first year of marriage was and fun our first anniversary was the husband and I really set a high standard for the rest of our lives. :)
Did you eat the top of your wedding cake on your 1 year anniversary? How did it taste?
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