A couple of blogs I follow do weekly or monthly Thankful Thursday posts, but when November hit the number of bloggers giving thanks increased significantly. With Thanksgiving only a week away I decided it was time to jump on the thankful train as there is a lot I have to be thankful for this year. So here goes nothing …
I am thankful for (in no particular order):
(5) my family and friends. This is pretty much a given, right? I would crazy not to be thankful for the amazing people in my life. They truly make the good times better and the bad times bearable. Love you guys/gals!! xoxoxo
(4) my job. During and after the furlough I quickly came to the realization the impact not having a job would have on me, as well as my family. There is of course the financial side, but having a job gives me purpose and something to “do” each day. I didn’t think I was the type of person who needed something to “do”, but apparently I DO!
(3) the patience and support of my husband. The hubby honestly deserves a metal for the level of patience and support he brings to the table. While he has always been that way I think he put his game face on when we got pregnant. Though it is obviously very exciting it can also be stressful and scary; yet he seems to take it (and all my fun emotions that go along with pregnancy) all in stride. I’m very lucky to have a husband who is so incredibly patient and supportive!
(2) my parents and sister coming to DC for Thanksgiving since I can’t travel to MA. Thanksgiving is by far my most favorite holiday and this year will be the first time I’m not in Massachusetts celebrating. We ALWAYS do Thanksgiving at my parents house and then Thanksgiving “round 2” on Friday or Saturday with my great aunt and a whole bunch of the cousins. The weekend is kind of like an eating marathon! They are all changing their schedules/traditions to be with the hubby and I this holiday. While this year won’t be exactly what any of us are use to the most important thing is we are together and I am thankful they are willing to make the trip!
(1) being pregnant. It is such a blessing to be able to be pregnant. I complain too often about pregnancy symptoms like aches, pains, being tired and gaining weight. It’s easy to sometimes take for granted what an amazing miracle it is to carry my little one!! Have you seen the maternity shirts that say “I’m growing a human. What’s your super power?” … love it!
While there are way more things I am thankful for these couple items do top the chart for this year. Only one more week until my favorite holiday of the year … bring it on Thanksgiving!!!
What are you thankful for (this week, year or even just today!)?
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