I’m happy to report meal planning is going pretty well! I enjoy sitting down with my list of recipes, thinking about the week ahead and writing out what to cook each night. The recipes chosen are then translated into a shopping list to which I add breakfast, lunch and snack items. Luckily lunch usually consists of leftover dinners, which makes it easier. The project manager in me loves the process of making a plan and executing sed plan.
Week two was a success though I still seem to slightly over buy somethings and under buy others. I’m starting to think meal planning for Jellybean needs to go beyond dinner, as many of the foods we don’t have enough of are for her. Raspberries/blackberries/blueberries, in particular, are consumed at a remarkable rate.
Here’s what we’ve been munching on lately …
Dinners for Week 2:
- Grilled Lemon Dijon Chicken, Roasted Cauliflower and Baked Oven Fries … the oven fries are AMAZING. You must try them, Mkay?! I seriously want to eat them everyday all day long.
- Brisket with carrots and potatoes … one of my favorite holiday recipes that I occasionally make on non-holiday weekends. One of these days I hope to share the recipe with you!
- Saucy Chicken with Rice … super easy and perfect for a week night.
- Homemade Pizza … I’ve been dying to make homemade pizza crust for a while now. The last time I tried to make it the yeast had expired – FAIL – this time I was properly equipped with non-expired yeast!
- Lemon Almond Chicken Salad with Biscuits … I may or may not have been out of bread and way too lazy to venture to the store so I decided to just throw some frozen biscuits in the oven. They were delish and it was kind of like having a deconstructed sandwich :)
- Out to Dinner x2 … While the goal is to only order in or go out once a week, however this particular week was special. My parents were in town over the weekend visiting & my girlfriends and I did a little girls night out. So my once a week only is more like a guideline, not a rule {wink, wink}.
I made two new recipes this week! I am glad they were both a hit so they can be added to the queue of dinner options. It is always disappointing when a recipe looks delicious and then is just so-so or worse not yummy at all.
Goals for next week: try another new recipe (or two!) and try to use more of what’s already in the house.
What have you been making for dinner lately {please add links in the comments!}? Any tips for meal planning?