Before having a baby my favorite thing to buy parents-to-be was baby clothes. They are so cute, tiny and just down right adorable. I could easily spend $100 without even trying … my husband would probably interject at this point and mention this is an addiction I’m still battling. But, have faith, I have limited sed addiction to my own child’s wardrobe for the time being.
Having a baby changed my perspective a bit on baby gifts and I have steered myself towards choosing necessity items off the baby registry and/or putting together some of our favorite gear for the expecting parents. I don’t expect everyone to love everything that we did, however I found it extremely helpful when veteran parents recommended or gifted us their favorites.
Go-to gift bag items …
- Onsie/Outfit
- Nuk Sippy Cup
- Bright Starts Lots of Links
- Burp Clothes
- Wubbanub
- Lansinoh Soothies Gel Pads
- Book {favorites picks: this, this, this and/or this}
- Snack Catcher
Some additional items I sometimes include …
I like to add everything to a cute baby shower gift bag OR arrange them in a pretty basket. Either way, the gift is a mix of things the parents can use immediately as well as items for a few months down the line.
For more ideas check out this super cute baby welcome basket my friend put together for me!
What are you go to baby shower gifts?

the baby shower didn’t really happen in my day but it is a lovely idea and some great gift ideas here. #MagicMoments
Funny, I would always buy clothes too but I found that we was inundated with them when we had Jack. Handy though as we have only really just had to start buying him clothes as he was pretty much kitted out until 7 months :) Jack loves those Bright Starts links! xx #MagicMoments
What a great round up Nicole! Loving the ‘butt paste’ ?!? Sounds interesting! #Sharewithme x
I never had a baby shower before I had Mia but since having her and friends baby’s coming along, I now create my own baby hampers for my own gifts business, using very similar products to those featured in your post. They are more personal and as a mum you know exactly what a first-time or new-mum will need :)
Perfect post for me I am off to a baby shower soon. Great gift ideas here hun. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. I appreciate the linky loyalty and always look forward to seeing you again at SWM. #sharewithme