Oh BOY, Jellybean is going to have a little BROTHER!! We couldn’t be more thrilled to be adding a little boy to the family. Jellybean is working on perfecting her pronouns and for the most part she gets that she’s the big sister and Kiwi is her little brother. The second trimester feels like it’s flying by and I can’t believe we are already more than half way through the pregnancy. I am so excited to meet our little man in March.
The 20 week scan was so much fun. The doctor who performed the ultrasound was great about saying things like heart normal, stomach normal, etc. Hearing the feedback real time allowed the hubby and I to really enjoy watching Kiwi moving about on the screen. Kiwi is pretty opinionated and wasn’t really into being ‘pushed around’ by the ultrasound wand. Anytime the doctor pushed down a bit to see something Kiwi would kick and/or punch that exact spot. Seems to me we have another spunky child on our hands … and, honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
It’s hard to believe there’s only 1 month left until I’ll be in the third trimester! Below is a little update on the 4th and 5th months of my second pregnancy.
Second Trimester: Months 4 and 5 in Review
Craving …
fruit {still} and chocolate. I’ve moved on from watermelon and I am now obsessed with oranges.
Food Aversions …
still not really feeling meat, however it doesn’t make me nauseous to think about eating anymore. If chicken looks or smells even a little bit off from what I’m feeling at the moment there’s no way I’ll eat it. Eggs are back in my good graces. So thankful, they are a breakfast staple.
Feeling …
pretty darn good overall! If I’m being really honest I’ve been having some restless legs at night and a bit of hip pain. Compared with the first trimester nausea and headaches and the upcoming third trimester physical discomfort, I’m soaking up the second trimester. It really is the sweet spot!
Missing …
my family. It’s weird being so far away from my parents and sister while pregnant. We are the kind of close nit family that talks daily, okay truth – when I lived in the same timezone as my parents I talked to my father almost daily and my mother usually twice a day sometimes more. Being abroad has changed those stat drastically, but we all do our best to chat often. My sister keeps having me stand in front of the laptop and/or iPhone when we FaceTime so she can ‘see the belly’.
Wearing …
mostly maternity clothes at this point. I was able to ‘hide’ the belly under normal t-shirts until about 16 weeks and then I gave up. I would say shortly after the 14 week point I started wearing my maternity shorts. My regular shorts still fit, but the pressure on my stomach just wasn’t worth it.
Movement …
lots of it! Feeling the baby move is one of the best parts of each day. I started feeling pressure around 14 weeks and by 16 weeks flutters. The husband felt him give a pretty good kick for the first time on week 19. I was definitely able to feel Kiwi’s movements earlier than Jellybean’s. Let’s keep those baby kicks a-comin’ Kiwi!
Excited About …
the nausea FINALLY being over. It was also really exciting to find out Kiwi is a boy. The gender reveal also unleashed The Mimi {aka my mother} to purchase an ever expanding sea of blue clothing. Can’t wait to see the wardrobe that has been acquired for him.
Nervous About …
how we will manage two kids. We went to dinner with some friends a couple of weeks ago and they were kind of chuckling about how their second child rocked their world a little more than they anticipated. They were also very forthcoming about the lack of sleep associated with a newborn. Seriously, I understand why keeping people awake is used as a form of torture … because not sleeping is torture hahaha. While I know we will rise to the occasion it’s still a wee bit nerve racking.
First vs. Second Pregnancy …
As I already mentioned there’s a lot more movement with this pregnancy than the first. The first pregnancy I definitely felt worn out from growing a baby. I thought I was tired with the first pregnancy; I wasn’t. Tired it what I feel this time around. Growing a baby takes a lot energy. Growing a baby while simultaneously toting around a toddler, help her potty/pull up her pants not to mention the emotional energy expended … now that’s a new level of tired. :) Check out the fifth month recap of my pregnancy with Jellybean.
Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share? I would love to hear them!