I cannot believe there is only one more month until we meet our little guy! It’s clear the baby bump is growing and I am often asked by people I frequently don’t know when said baby will be arriving. We have finally settled on a short list of names for Kiwi though I’m still open to adding additional name to the list. Similar to when we had Jellybean we won’t make a final decision on his name until Kiwi is born.
Third Trimester: Month 8 in Review
Craving …
Ice cream. Lots.
Feeling …
Tired and swollen. I’ve started retaining water so my hands and feet/ankles are a bit more swollen now. Sleeping is kind of a struggle given the pregnancy insomnia. Thank goodness for napping or I would probably be a walking zombie at this point!
Missing …
My engagement and wedding rings. I finally gave up wearing them. My fingers are just a bit too swollen to wear them comfortably.
Wearing …
The same as last month. All maternity clothes with the exception of a few pairs of sweatpants. With the January weather in Bangkok being ever so slightly cooler than the normal I have started wearing my leggings more often than shorts.
Movement …
Baby boy is staying consistent with lots of movement!
Excited About …
Getting some organizing done. We finally pulled out all the baby stuff we saved from Jellybean and sorted it. Knowing what we have here in Bangkok already and what’s on it’s way via a shipment it was much easier to make a list of what we still need to buy. The more we do in preparation for Kiwi’s arrival the more real and exciting it is!!
Monthly Highlight …
Spending some quality time with my parents. Given we are literally half a world away from our families for this pregnancy it was nice to be with my parents while I’m pregnant. My mom and dad got to feel Kiwi kick as well as see me pregnant in person. FaceTime is a wonderful thing, but the truth is being in person is so much better!
Nervous About …
Never sleeping again. Just kidding … kind of … well, not really … hahaha. I remember thinking during Jellybean’s newborn stage “I now understand why sleep deprivation is a form of torture” and that thought/memory is somewhat seared into my brain. My current inability to sleep makes me anxious about the sleep deprivation that is coming.
First vs. Second Pregnancy …
As of late the biggest difference between the two pregnancies is Kiwi gets the hiccups quite often and Jellybean didn’t. In fact I’m not sure I ever felt Jellybean hiccup. For me, feeling Kiwi hiccup is somewhat strange, I think because it’s a rhythmic versus being the inconsistent feeling of his punches and kicks. Check out the recap of the 8th month from my first pregnancy!
Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share? I would love to hear them!