Happy New Year!  Can you believe it’s 2013?!?!  Last night we hosted a New Years Eve pot luck dinner with some friends.  It was a great way to welcome 2013.

I’ve never been one for making new years resolutions mainly because I can’t seem to keep them.  Instead I used to keep a list of things to do or places to go, never really managing to stick to that list either.  Every once in a while I succeed a keeping a new years resolution, like passing the PMP exam last year, but 9 times out of 10 I’m an utter failure.  Despite my affinity for skipping the new year list of resolutions  I decided to give it one last try this year.  Maybe with the list out there in the world wide web I will feel more accountable and actually follow through.

I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew so hopefully this list isn’t too lofty a list.

1 – Improve Photo Skills and Take More Photos

My husband bought me a fancy camera a few years back.  I’ve slowly learned how to use the different features on the camera as well as improved the quality of the photos taken.  The Pioneer woman taught me a lot about apertures and shutter speeds here, here and here. A few photography books have been sitting on the book shelf waiting for proper attention to be paid to them.  In order to become a better photographer one must take pictures, so taking more photos goes perfectly as a sub-resolution.  Photography is something that has been on my “to-do” list for quite some time.  I love it and yet don’t make time for it.


2 – Get in Better Shape

I put this goal on and then took it off, but inevitably it really should be on the 2013 list.  I find many people have a similar new years resolution, which is why gyms become PACKED from January to late February.  Purposely weight is not something in the title of the resolution.  Weight is touchy and regardless of how much I do or don’t weigh I should be in better shape.  If I loose weight while getting in shape, fantastic, but it isn’t the overarching goal.  I was in great shape for our wedding.  I spent a lot of time eating well (thank you weight watchers) and taking long walks with one of my friends.  She too was working out to prep for her wedding.  Although walking is good for the body it didn’t seem like we were working out.  We would chat and laugh and walk … before I knew it the “workout” was over.  So whether it’s walking, yoga, running or weight lifting in some way shape or form the end result will hopefully be an in shape girl (errr woman) in 2013.


3 – Stay in touch with Friend and Family

Despite being in love with talking on the phone as a child I don’t really enjoy it as an adult.  Phones were the theme for my Bat-Mitzvah, that’s how much I adored talking on the phone.  I don’t know when or how the change in behavior occurred, but it is reeking havoc on some much needed catch up conversations with family and friends.  I have a couple of friends who I miss terribly.  They are the type of friends that no matter how much time has passed you pick up right where you left off.  I am fortunate to have that type of relationship with them!!  Despite that, it feels like I am missing out on big chunks of their lives (and them on mine).  I know I should really just pick up the darn phone and call them.  So this year I am going to try to be better.  Less email/gchatting and more calls or trips to see my friends and family!


4 – Try one new Recipe a Month

This one should be pretty easy.  Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies.  I think it’s almost therapeutic at times, so making one new recipe a month shouldn’t be too tough.  My husband’s parents got me a subscription to Fine Cooking this holiday season, which should come in particularly handy for this new years resolution.  Hopefully the new recipes will include appetizers, sides, main dishes as well as desserts.   I’m not going to put any parameters around what type of recipe needs to be cooked though … regardless of the type of dish one new one will, hopefully, be cooked each month.

5 – Be a Lady (as my sister-in-law says hehehe)

So what does being a lady entail you might ask.  Well simply is means taking better care of yourself as a woman.  Over Christmas my sister-in-law and I discussed this list to include: doing our nails, putting on (and learning how to do) makeup as well as learning how to style hair.  The nail polish part I’ve pretty much got down.  The makeup I would say I’m 50% there. I wear makeup to work and I’ve been getting closer and closer to mastering the whole smokey eye look, but there is still lots to learn.  Hair styling could be an epic fail for me.  Having long hair as a child and adult, one would logically think I would know what to do with it … however … that would be a NO.  I can french braid other people’s hair and am a master at the ponytail.  Curls, buns or any other cute hair styling ability is lost on me.  Regardless I will give it a try and maybe share some of the hair styling tidbits along the way.  In an effort to gather ideas for being a lady there’s a special Pinterest board dedicated to this resolution.

So there you have it.  Bring it on 2013!!!  I really hope I am not taking on too much for my first official list of new years resolutions!

What’s your new years resolution?  Happy 2013!


Like any year 2012 had its ups as well as its downs, but all in all when the tidbits are added up it was a great year.  As the year draws to a close I started thinking of how fast this year has gone by.  I’m not sure if I am just getting older or if life has just been so busy, but in a blink of an eye we went from January to December.

In no particular order tidbits that stand out are as follows:

Trip to Mexico to celebrate our 30th birthdays.  Being only 11 days apart and having Valentine’s Day smack in the middle makes for a very busy February.  Sipping piña coladas on the beach, reading and relaxing was the perfect way to begin our thirties.

Buying a condo was a HUGE highlight. I cannot believe we are home owners!

My first rodeo!  And I think the highlight of the rodeo was the mutton busting.

Passing the PMP exam.  This test had been on the to-do list for years.  It was nice to not only check it off the list, but to have passed the first time taking the exam … Plus my dad will finally stop bugging me about when I am going to take the test!! :)

Thanksgiving – As my favorite holiday it is no surprise that Thanksgiving is one of the highlights from this year.  Like every year the week/end was jam packed with food, wine, family, friends and laughter.

First Christmas Eve alone with my husband in our new place.  I’ve always spent Xmas Eve with my friends/family or with the in-laws.  This year we flew out to Kansas City on Christmas Day.  We went back and forth about sending the evening with friends, but in the end decided to keep it low key.  I loved staying home and celebrating just the three of us (the husband, me and of course Sophi).

2012 was a very fun year!  But now there is much to look forward to in 2013 and it isn’t even here yet!

So far there are a few fun things on the docket for 2013 …

  • My sister is coming to visit for a few days. I am even taking a day off so we can have a sister day!  It isn’t often we get time just the two of us anymore so I’m super excited for her visit.
  • Throwing a baby shower for my girlfriend and then arrival of her son!
  • A trip to Seattle to see my friend (HOPEFULLY)

And then of course there is … Surprises!  No matter how much of a planner I am life always throws in big and little surprises.

What were your favorite parts of 2012?  Any exciting plans for 2013?

Happy New Year!!


I had been struggling to decide if I should stick with Instagram after they changed their terms of service.  As luck would have it though it seems as though they are reverting back to the old terms of service due to the feedback from their customers!!  Therefore I am going to continue posting on Instagram!  Soooooo please follow me on Instagram!

As I looked through the pictures I’ve shared on Instagram it was clear, I am obsessed with my dog.  90% of the pictures are of her.  Ummm hello?  Nicole it is time to take pictures of other things!  My favorite non-Sophi picture was taken in Boston of a willow tree.  My oldest friend and I met for lunch over the Thanksgiving holiday and since it wasn’t too terribly cold so we took a little stroll through Boston Commons first.  The lighting seemed perfect the way it was coming through the leaves.

Although I really do love this picture I wonder if part of why I love this picture is because it reminds me of spending time with my friend.  Either way … Happy Friday!


Happy Christmas to you and yours!!  This morning the husband and I hopped on a flight to the Midwest to spend Christmas with his family.  Since we were arriving Xmas day instead of Xmas Eve day this year I decided to make the Santa’s Whiskers cookies at home this year.  My cousin introduced me to this recipe and was kind enough to email me the recipe.  I searched the web for Santa’s Whiskers recipes and they are all pretty much the same.  I do follow the recipe my cousin provided as I know it is a keeper!  Although I am not a fan of candied cherries, I do really enjoy them in these cookies!  The cookies are super easy to make and I would think they are kid baking friendly as well.


  • 1 Cup (2 sticks) Butter
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 2 tbls Milk (or cream)
  • 2 ½ Cups of All Purpose Flour
  • ¾ Cup Red and Green Cherries
  • ½ Cup Chopped Pecans
  • ¾ Cup Coconut Flakes

Blend together the butter and sugar until fluffy.  Mix in vanilla extract and milk.  Add the flour slowly into the mix until it is fully combined.  Add in the candied cherries as well as the pecans and mix well.  Split the batter in half and make about 10 inch logs.  Roll the logs in the coconut flakes and wrap in plastic.  Place in the refrigerator for 2-24 hours.

Preheat the oven to 375*.  Cut the cookies about ¼ an inch wide and place on a non-greased pan.  Cook for 12-15 minutes until the edges are a golden brown.  Allow the cookies to cool.  Serve and ENJOY!!

What is your favorite type of Christmas Cookie?

Happy Christmas!


Today we turn 1!!!  Happy Blog-iversary to Life’s Tidbits!  The first year of blogging seems to have flown by.  I’ve learned a lot along the way and hopefully the second year for sharing tidbits will be even better than the first.

Goals for Year 2:

  1. Blog more regularly – Sometimes life gets in the way and blogging gets put to the side. But that’s not really a good excuse sooooo … new goal is to post 2-3 times a week.
  2. Comments – Figure out how to get YOU more engaged by sharing your tidbits within the comments section
  3. Guest Bloggers – Collaborate with other bloggers and/or friends and have a monthly guest blog post.  I think this will increase the types of tidbits shared!

With Life’s Tidbits turning one today I thought it would be fun to do the best of the best / superlatives post.  In case you were curious just what superlatives means here’s a definition for you: “Grammar Of, relating to, or being the extreme degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb, as in best or brightest.” reference

Most Frequented Post – DIY Wedding Envelopes with Calligraphy

Considering this is the most popular blog post I’m absolutely shocked how each week this post gets hit and yet no one has EVER left a single comment.

Most PersonalPurchasing Our First Home

This was one of the highlights of 2012, but also one of the scariest times.  Buying a home is a huge financial investment and such an adult thing to do :)

Most Surprising ShareChoosing a Wedding Dress

Although it might seem like something that was easy to share it really wasn’t.  There were only a few people who knew I struggled with my wedding dress choice after making the purchase.  I felt silly that I was so conflicted and it took me a while to decide if I should blog about that tidbit.

Photo by Korie Lynn Photography

Best Vacation SpotPositano, Italy

As the first stop on our honeymoon it isn’t surprising we have such fond memories of Positano!

Best Lesson LearnPaint Finishes

We did a ton of painting in the first few months as homeowners. Leaning what to use what paint finish was a great lesson learned!

Most WorkBeef Bourguignon

This recipe took HOURS and is probably one of the longer posts I wrote.

Most organizedThe Closet and The Pantry

Although it’s a little bit of a cop out to pick two I really do feel like it’s a tie!

We are looking forward to a great year 2 and thanks for following Life’s Tidbits!!  Is there anything you would like to see more of on Life’s Tidbits this year??

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