The first and second trimester of my pregnancy completely flew by!  As I quickly trudge through the third trimester, I wanted to do a overview of some maternity must haves that are making for a more comfortable pregnancy.  Being pregnant is such an amazing experience and we should enjoy it.  Sometimes when nausea, hip pain or whatever-else-ails-you decides to rear it’s ugly head, it’s hard to fully enjoy some phases of pregnancy.  I’ve put together a few items that have helped me out while growing my little bundle of joy!

Pregnancy must-haves and essentials for all moms-to-be! | Life's Tidbits

Pregnancy Must Haves

Ovia Pregnancy App // Somehow I find it easy to forget exactly how far along I am.  Not sure if it’s just a case of the second pregnancy OR pregnancy brain.  Either way this app helps track pregnancy stats (gestation, weight, doctors appointments and more) as well as providing updates on baby’s weekly growth throughout the pregnancy.

Water bottle // It’s important to stay hydrated throughout pregnancy and I’ve always struggled with drinking enough water.  I find it easier to track how much water I need to drink when I can count how many times I’ve refilled the water bottle.  Silly as it may sound, I’m more likely to drink from a cute water bottle.

Oyster Crackers // Every morning of the first trimester and a few weeks into the second I woke up feeling nauseous and queasy.  Every.Single.Morning. And, unfortunately it stayed that way for most of the day.  The only thing that helped was to eat a small handful of crackers every once in a while.  I could barely stomach a full meal and the crackers helped keep me from hurling.  Gross, but true.

T-shirts // These t-shirts are flattering, comfy, hold up well after multiple washes and,, they last the entire pregnancy.  I had a couple from my first pregnancy and bought a few more for this pregnancy.  My favorite part about these t-shirts is no matter how big my bump gets it’s always fully covered.  No mid-drifts for this pregnant Mama!

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth // This book is divided into two parts.  The first part contains various birth stories.  The second part is very informative with information on pregnancy and birth, forms of interventions, mantras and mindsets.  I really wish I had read this book during my first pregnancy.  I found the positive birth stories coupled with substantive birthing information to be very helpful.

Raspberry Leaf Tea // Raspberry leaf tea is thought to tone the muscles of the uterus and help it to work better during labor.  Read more about it here.  I started drinking the tea around the 24 week mark.  What surprised me the most was it doesn’t taste like raspberry {mind blown!} instead it tastes more like a black tea, which is right up my alley so I enjoy my daily cup!  This should go without saying, but talk with your healthcare provider to decide what’s right for you before drinking the tea.

Snoogle & Boppy Wedge // Moving from the second trimester into the third I have found sleeping to be more of a struggle.  I prefer sleeping slightly on my stomach or on my back.  With a growing bump it is was basically impossible.  The snoogle body pillow is very comfortable, but sometimes I just not in the full body pillow mood.  The boppy wedge is the perfect solution.  Pop the wedge under the belly, throw a regular pillow under my head and between my knees and goodnight!  While I’m still feeling a bit like an insomniac I’m as comfortable as possible doing it.

Check out my pregnancy essentials list from my first pregnancy!  What are your pregnancy essentials?


Best of Worst

Oh BOY, Jellybean is going to have a little BROTHER!!  We couldn’t be more thrilled to be adding a little boy to the family.  Jellybean is working on perfecting her pronouns and for the most part she gets that she’s the big sister and Kiwi is her little brother.  The second trimester feels like it’s flying by and I can’t believe we are already more than half way through the pregnancy.  I am so excited to meet our little man in March.

The 20 week scan was so much fun.  The doctor who performed the ultrasound was great about saying things like heart normal, stomach normal, etc.  Hearing the feedback real time allowed the hubby and I to really enjoy watching Kiwi moving about on the screen.  Kiwi is pretty opinionated and wasn’t really into being ‘pushed around’ by the ultrasound wand.  Anytime the doctor pushed down a bit to see something Kiwi would kick and/or punch that exact spot.  Seems to me we have another spunky child on our hands … and, honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

It’s hard to believe there’s only 1 month left until I’ll be in the third trimester!  Below is a little update on the 4th and 5th months of my second pregnancy.

Pregnancy Update: Second Trimester, 4 months and 5 months pregnant | pregnancy, baby bump, pregnancy silhouette | Life's Tidbits

Second Trimester: Months 4 and 5 in Review

Craving …

fruit {still} and chocolate.  I’ve moved on from watermelon and I am now obsessed with oranges.

Food Aversions …

still not really feeling meat, however it doesn’t make me nauseous to think about eating anymore.  If chicken looks or smells even a little bit off from what I’m feeling at the moment there’s no way I’ll eat it.  Eggs are back in my good graces.  So thankful, they are a breakfast staple.

Feeling …

pretty darn good overall!  If I’m being really honest I’ve been having some restless legs at night and a bit of hip pain.  Compared with the first trimester nausea and headaches and the upcoming third trimester physical discomfort, I’m soaking up the second trimester.  It really is the sweet spot!

Missing …

my family.  It’s weird being so far away from my parents and sister while pregnant.  We are the kind of close nit family that talks daily, okay truth – when I lived in the same timezone as my parents I talked to my father almost daily and my mother usually twice a day sometimes more.  Being abroad has changed those stat drastically, but we all do our best to chat often.  My sister keeps having me stand in front of the laptop and/or iPhone when we FaceTime so she can ‘see the belly’.

Wearing …

mostly maternity clothes at this point.  I was able to ‘hide’ the belly under normal t-shirts until about 16 weeks and then I gave up.  I would say shortly after the 14 week point I started wearing my maternity shorts.  My regular shorts still fit, but the pressure on my stomach just wasn’t worth it.

Movement …

lots of it!  Feeling the baby move is one of the best parts of each day.  I started feeling pressure around 14 weeks and by 16 weeks flutters.  The husband felt him give a pretty good kick for the first time on week 19.  I was definitely able to feel Kiwi’s movements earlier than Jellybean’s.  Let’s keep those baby kicks a-comin’ Kiwi!

Excited About …

the nausea FINALLY being over.  It was also really exciting to find out Kiwi is a boy.  The gender reveal also unleashed The Mimi {aka my mother} to purchase an ever expanding sea of blue clothing.  Can’t wait to see the wardrobe that has been acquired for him.

Nervous About …

how we will manage two kids.  We went to dinner with some friends a couple of weeks ago and they were kind of chuckling about how their second child rocked their world a little more than they anticipated.  They were also very forthcoming about the lack of sleep associated with a newborn.  Seriously, I understand why keeping people awake is used as a form of torture … because not sleeping is torture hahaha.  While I know we will rise to the occasion it’s still a wee bit nerve racking.

First vs. Second Pregnancy …

As I already mentioned there’s a lot more movement with this pregnancy than the first.  The first pregnancy I definitely felt worn out from growing a baby.  I thought I was tired with the first pregnancy; I wasn’t.  Tired it what I feel this time around.  Growing a baby takes a lot energy.  Growing a baby while simultaneously toting around a toddler, help her potty/pull up her pants not to mention the emotional energy expended … now that’s a new level of tired.  :)  Check out the fifth month recap of my pregnancy with Jellybean.

Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share?  I would love to hear them!






Best of Worst


Oh pregnancy.  I forgot how you are both glorious and yet terrible all at the same time!  I’m hear to tell you ladies that pregnancy amnesia is the real deal.  There are so many things I forgot happened when one is pregnant … both the physical and emotional changes.  I was reading Jellybean a bedtime story and got all chocked up.  It took everything I had not to turn into a blubbery mess in front of her.

We were fortunate to have a two ultrasounds during the first trimester.  It was beyond exciting to see Kiwi {nickname for baby #2} on the ultrasound machine.  I can’t say for sure what Kiwi was doing in the first scan because the baby kind of looked like a little blob, but Kiwi was very active during the second scan.   And seriously, there is nothing like hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the very first time!  GAH love that little swishing sound!!

Pregnancy tracker, first trimester, baby bump progress, 13 weeks pregnant | Life's Tidbits

**Note: This post was drafted in early September**

First Trimester in Review

Craving …

Fruit and green veggies! Watermelon and strawberries specifically are my favorites.  I admit craving green vegetables is definitely a strange ones.  Asparagus, yum!

Food Aversions …

Meat of any kind.  While it won’t make me sick to eat meat, I really don’t want it at all right now.  I could also do without eggs.  Do eggs count as a meat or just a protein?  Either way, yuck.

Feeling …

Nauseous ALL DAY LONG and headaches are the biggest first trimester culprits. The morning sickness has been pretty bad and unfortunately eating doesn’t fix the problem (with Jellybean I would eat carbs and feel okay for a while at least).  We did so much traveling in August, it was hard to tell what was exhaustion due to pregnancy and what was jet lag.  Either way, recovering from jet lag was a lot more challenging while simultaneously growing a baby.  Shocker.  I know.

Missing …

Wine. There.  I said it.  I missed wine for about the first 4 weeks of my pregnancy and then I decided all alcohol smelled nasty — with a capital N!

Wearing …

All my normal clothes.  Wardrobe go-to’s include: shorts, yoga pants and baggy t-shirts.

Random Tidbit …

The dog absolutely knows I’m pregnant.  Fairly early on – we are talking maybe a week after I found out – we were expecting Sophi started becoming extra clingy.  Though she has always followed me around the house she is now, well, attached to me.  She sits on me or next to me on the couch, always.  If I leave the room she’s never far behind and, dare I be so bold as to try to use the bathroom alone, she looses her mind.  It’s gotten so bad Jellybean has been telling Sophi to get off me because I’m ‘HER mummy’.

Excited About …

The nausea being over. Being done with the first trimester also means we’ve been telling people about our little bundle of joy that’s on the way.  The more people we tell the more exciting and real it feels that we will be a family of 4 in just a few short months.  Also, I’m looking forward to finding out if this little munchkin is a boy or a girl!

Nervous About …

Zika.  When we found out I was pregnant I was a bit concerned about traveling to the States where Zika was more prevalent than it was (or at least as I understood it to be) here in Bangkok.  No sooner had we arrived back in Bangkok did reports start surfacing indicating Zika had made its way here.  I’m trying to stay calm and lather the whole family in bug spray, but generally I feel very paranoid about it.

First vs. Second Pregnancy …

So far the my pregnancy with Jellybean was very different than the current one with Kiwi.  The only real similarity has been I was nauseous with for both pregnancies, though this time around has definitely been rougher.  I often hear each pregnancy is different, but it wasn’t until I experienced it myself did I truly understand it.  A review of my first trimester with Jellybean can be found here.

How does your first trimester compare? What was the best and worst part of your first trimester?



Becoming a parent is totally life altering.  My pregnancy was spent reading, mentally preparing and buying things all in anticipation for the baby.  After 41 weeks of pregnancy, labor and delivery, my daughter was placed in my arms.  My heart melted and I was completely in love.

I now realize no amount of preparation could have ever prepared me for how much I would (& do) love my child.  There are, of course, the not-so-glamorous parts of motherhood that preparation plays no part in … like getting pooped on!  Believe me parents-to-be, you WILL be popped on.  =)

As we made the adjustment to life with a baby at home, navigating the waters of parenthood and attempting to get as much sleep as possible made the time passed QUICKLY.  Before I knew it the newborn stage was behind us.

Looking back through non-sleep deprived eyes, it’s easy to identify things I should have done (before and) after my baby arrived.

5 Things I should have done after baby arrived | Life's Tidbits


1.  Asked for and/or Accepted Help

There is a reason they say ‘it takes a village’.  While we might like to think we are super woman, hear me roar and all that … the truth is you now have a baby and simple things, like finding time to shower, become a little bit more difficult.

Family and friends want to help out after a new baby arrives, but asking for or accepting their help may be difficult.  I found myself not wanting to put people out by asking for help.  What I failed to see was that I wouldn’t be putting them out, and people are very happy to help!

If someone offers to help, ask them to bring over a meal, pick up a cup of your favorite coffee (coffee is an essential food group when sleep is so limited!), hold the baby while your shower, help you tidy up or just come over and keep you company for it little while.  Believe me, you will be glad you did!

2.  Nursed in Public

I know, this is controversial (for some) and people tend to lean one way or the other … there doesn’t seem to be a middle ground from what I’ve seen online.  In any event I was petrified to nurse in public and I’m not entirely sure why.  I’ve seen SO many moms nursing their babes and don’t think twice about it.  If I hadn’t been so petrified to breastfeeding in public then we probably would have gone out more (see #3).

3.  Gone Out More

Most of our trips out of the house were only for short periods of time.  In part this was due to having a winter baby and not wanting her to get sick at such a young age.  The other part was the fear of being in public.  What if she cried, pooped or wanted to eat (see #2).  The unknown variables were overwhelming to me and so we spent much of our time at home.

Little did I know the older and more mobile my daughter got the more difficult going out would be.  In retrospect, going out in public was not as daunting or difficult as I thought.  Though as luck would have it, be aware your baby will absolutely poop right as you are ready to leave … so be prepared – hehehe.

4.  Had Newborn Photos Taken

As I mentioned before despite all the research I did on newborn photographers, I never actually booked anyone prior to Jellybean’s birth.  After delivery newborn photos didn’t seem all that important.  I convinced myself all the pictures I was taking were enough, but the truth is they weren’t.  We have very few photos of the three of us during the newborn stage and had we done newborn photos there would have been plenty of cute shots of Jellybean and our little family of 3 (plus the fur baby makes 4)!

5.  Taken Time for Myself

I really struggled with the idea of being separated from Jellybean for the first several months.  Sometime after the 8 week mark my husband insisted I go get my nails done and spend sometime with a friend.  I somehow managed to tear myself away from Jellybean and headed to the nail salon.  After a little pampering and some girl talk I went home feeling rejuvenated!

So, what do you wish you had done after baby arrived?  Any lesson learns for those who are expecting?




Don’t know about you, but I spent a tremendous amount of time planning for the baby.  In fact, I received the best compliment from my husband a couple weeks after Jellybean was born.  He said, “Great job planning, Babe.  We haven’t had to go to the store once.  You made sure we have everything we need for the baby.”  While we have clearly had to buy more stuff for our little girl since then, we did make it a good amount of time without purchasing anything.  But I digress.

I spent SO much time planning for baby I completely neglected myself!  Baby might come first, however I should have made postpartum planning for myself a higher priority.  Very little {okay, really zero} time and research went into what I might need.  I didn’t even bother surveying my friends to determine what the essentials were.

Please, PLEASE don’t be like me.  Do your research and ensure you have purchased stuff for YOU and of course for baby too! =)  As a new mama my mind was strictly on my newborn and if I had planned ahead for myself it would have made the first day or two at home a little easier.  Not to mention it would have saved my parents from running back and forth from Target to buy me stuff.  Hehehehe.

My postpartum must haves and survival items for post delivery include the following …

Postpartum Essentials Mama | General, Breastfeeding/Nursing/Cesarean | Life's Tidbits


Always Pads With Wings – Pretty standard item most women purchase pre-delivery.  The only addition I have to this is get multiple sizes and bring a few of your own pads to the hospital in case, like me, you don’t really like the ones the hospital provides.

Canon PowerShot –  I am all about my DSLR, however the ability to quickly capture moments remains key.  It’s lightweight and doesn’t take the ‘effort’ of shooting in manual with my Nikon D90.  Also easier to use for the non-shutterbugs, as well as increasing the odds you are present in future family photos.  Added bonus for this camera is it shoots well in low light … super helpful when trying to limit or completely eliminate using a flash on a newborn.

Belly Bandit – Although I didn’t purchase this or use it, because I didn’t learn about it until it was too late (boo hoo!) I would totally would have purchased it.  I heard good things from a coworker who had her baby shortly after me.  Just wanted to make sure it was on your radar.  :)

Netflix – Hello to the never-ending TV series!  Just hearing the theme song to Mad Men immediately takes me and the hubby back to the first few days and weeks home with Jellybean.  Having something to watch while nursing or while baby girl slept on me was so nice.  No commercials and I could start watching in the living room, pause it, and finish watching an episode on the iPad in the nursery.


Soothie Gel Pads – These literally saved me from giving up on nursing.  The whole nipple cream as a necessity was 100% lost on me.  These soothie gels on the other hand … go buy them (or order them online) NOW!  Not trying to tell you what to do or how, but, yeah, buy them …  =)

Nursing Bras – I had purchased some nighttime nursing bras and they were a complete fail.  They provided no support and just didn’t cut it for me.   My mother was kind enough to buy like 10 different kids for me to try on and these were absolutely, hands down, my favorite.  Comfortable, supportive, reasonably priced and easy to unhook even when it was 2am and I was exhausted!

Nursing Tops –  Love these tank tops.  They were amazing for sleeping in and looked fine under just about anything I wore in the early days.  I love sweatshirts and since I had a winter baby knowing about this sweatshirt would have come in SUPER handy.

Water Bottle – There was something about nursing that immediately made me THIRSTY!  Baby would latch and I would be all “Hun where is my water?”.  My poor husband was constantly fetching water. :)  Not to mention nursing mom’s are suppose to drink plenty of water to keep their supply up.


High Wasted Underwear – We are talking granny panties to the extreme!  Just telling it to you straight.  I am doing you a favor saying this out loud … I promise … no one told me.  Regular underwear and my cesarean incision were NOT … let me repeat … NOT going to happen.  The incision was just way too tender.

Gas-X & Stool Softener – It’s somewhat embarrassing to say, but both these items are a must.  Sorry ladies … just keepin’ it real.  My doctor suggested the gas-x, which was honestly a life saver.  So yeah.  ENOUGH.  Said.  On to the next item…

Ibuprofen – 100% helps take the edge off the pain.  My doctor prescribed me with some high dose ibuprofen, but while we waited to have the prescription filled it was nice to have some in the house as back up.

Leggings and/or sweatpants – I seriously lived in sweatpants and leggings for the first few weeks (okay months) of Jellybean’s life.  For the first few weeks it was SO important to wear comfortable pants that were NOT low rise.  The incision was tender and limiting clothing rubbing on it, I think, really helped it feel better faster.

So moms, what postpartum must have items for Mama am I missing?


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