
We are talking baby names today … and you know what?!?!  With less than 5 weeks until her due date, the husband and I have yet to decide upon a “real” name for our little Jellybean.  Friends, family, coworkers and even strangers ask about the baby’s name, to which we respond “not sure yet”.  There are folks who think we are fibbing and others who just want us to decide so they can call her something other than Jellybean.  While we do have about 5 names on the list of possibilities, a front runner just hasn’t revealed itself yet.

In fact, I actually have serious reservations about picking a name prior to meeting our little girl.  My fear is this: we decide to name her Ashley … tell everyone … meet her and she doesn’t look at all like an Ashley, but like a Charlotte instead.  Then we have to tell everyone we are switching her name to Charlotte.  While the rational side of me knows things like this happen ALL the time and it’s not a big deal the other side gets nervous just thinking about it.  Picking a name is a HUGE decision.  I mean our baby girl is going to have this name literally for her entire life (well unless she opts to change it).

I have some friends who named their child super early in their pregnancy.  They shared the name with everyone or in some cases just a select group of family and close friends.  A part of me envies their ability to make a decision, stick with it and not have “buyers remorse” {so to speak} on the name they selected.  Often I find people will announce their baby’s name on Facebook after making a selection.  Other friends keep it a secret from everyone and only share once their baby’s name once s/he has arrived.

The husband and I have kind of split the difference between keeping the names we like a total secret and sharing them with everyone.  We decided to share the name possibilities with immediate family only.  For us that includes both sets of parents, our sisters and brother-in-law … actually as I write this I think my sister’s boyfriend knows the names as well, but he is the only exception to the “rule”.  He kind of gets an honorary place with the immediate family due to his BF status.  Anyways … prior to sharing the names we made our family agree to two things: 1) they will NOT share the names with ANYONE 2) they can’t comment on the names.  While I think (and hope) they abiding by rule #1 there have been a few slip-ups with rule #2, which is fine.

The husband and I have tired a variety of methods when picking out baby names.  We have gone to baby naming websites, the social security office website and reviewed family names.  A lot of the names we liked initially have been in the top 100 baby names for the last couple of years, like Riley and Peyton.  We were easily able to find two family names that would be meaningful to both sides of the family, Jean and Patricia, though we weren’t immediately drawn to those names.  It was suggested we pick a name stating with J – because of her nickname Jellybean – however none of the J names have spoken to us.

So what will Jellybean’s real name be?  I have no idea.  Maybe it will be one on the short list or possibly it will be one we haven’t even discussed yet.  Honestly I am just not sure, but for now we are “OK” with the big day arriving and not having a specific name picked out for JB.  Else, to everyone’s surprise, we will just go ahead and name her Jelly. =)

How far along were you when you decided on your baby’s name?  Did you keep it a secret or share with friends/family?  Any baby naming book or website recommendations??

**Disclaimer … any names included in this post are NOT on our short list of names for Jellybean.  Let let guessing begin!**

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.


This pregnancy seems to be just flying by, but feels so long all at the same time.  Thank goodness for maternity/stretchy shirts and pants because my little one just keeps growing and growing.  This picture was taken at the very end of the 7th month … HELLO jelly belly!

Pregnancy Tidbits from Weeks 28 to 31, 8th month, 3rd trimester, week by week, baby bump, pregnant, pregnancy log | Life's Tidbits

Pregnancy Tidbits from Weeks 28-31

Random Tidbits

Pants – I now sit down to put my pants on … ohhhhh so sad {blushing}.  While I can successfully get dressed without sitting down it just feels “safer” and much easier to sit down.  So my tush meets the bed or couch when the pants come on or off LOL.  I feel like someone once told me – or I read it somewhere – that one of the most common household accidents is people hurting themselves while putting on their pants.  Have you heard that or am I making it up?

Wedding Rings – Are now off *extreme sad face*.  I absolutely LOVE my engagement ring and wedding band.  Although I can still get the rings on/off, my fingers are just swollen enough to make the rings uncomfortable.  The husband finally convinced me last weekend to stop wearing them.  It makes me sad every time I look at my hand.  I don’t know why I miss them so much, but I do.  It just feels too early to have to take them off.

Cravings – I am over my coffee obsession.  I crave something sweet after each meal … ummm yes that does include breakfast … though I do restrain myself, most of the time {evil cackle}.  Even just a couple peanut butter M&Ms can curb the craving.  Jelly and I just love sweets.

Daddy Approved Clothing – Jellybean now has a daddy “approved” outfit … the husband said monkeys were a must. Little did he know his mom would find a PINK monkey outfit.  How cute is this outfit?!


Tidbits that Haven’t Changed

Gender – Jellybean is STILL a girl!  Why “still” you might be asking?  Since finding out the gender of our little one people have told us numerous stories of the ultrasound technician saying the baby was a girl and then on the day of the baby’s birth … BOOM it’s a boy!  I’m pretty confident about Jellybean’s gender as we’ve been fortunate to have it confirmed by three different technicians at three separate appointments.  So … JB is still a girl!

Due Date – December 23, 2013.  Even if she’s late I’m praying for a 2013 baby and not 2014 :)


Swelling – My feet and fingers have entered sausage town … population 20!

Congestion – The stuffy nose and night time snoring continues.


Jellybean’s movements are getting stronger by the week.  Sometimes the kicks are so strong it startles me.  It shocks me (and the husband) how such a tiny little ~3 pound person can produce such a strong punch!

Maternity Clothes

Same as the 5th and 6th month – 90% maternity clothing with a sprinkle of my old clothes, sweat pants/shirts.  The husband’s t-shirts are now tight around my belly so I’ve stopped wearing those.  My husband is by no means a “big” guy so while it’s a little sad his shirts don’t fit around the belly anymore it isn’t shocking either.

Missing Anything?

Not worrying about what I consume.  I’m fortunate not to have food allergies so having to inquire about what’s in food or worry about how it is prepared.  Pregnancy has given me a whole new level of respect for people with food allergies.  I’m looking forward to not having to worry about what types of food I’m eating.


Making progress on the nursery – The room has been painted.  Dresser, nightstand, rug, crib and glider were purchased (just waiting for all the pieces to be delivery).  Now we just have to focus on wall decorations.

Looking Forward To…

Thanksgiving – My FAVORITE holiday is right around the corner and I can NOT wait.  My parents and sister will be making the trip to DC since I can’t travel to Massachusetts.  While this year won’t be exactly the same as what we are use to, it will be great to all be together for the holiday.


Not being prepared – I feel utterly unprepared for our new life/reality.  While the nursery is slowing coming together we don’t have diapers, a changing pad, onsies or any of those basic items.  It was a conscious decision to hold off on purchasing this stuff, but I think the time has come to get some of the basics into the house.

Premature Labor – I am scared about going into labor early.  The doctor asked me at my last appointment (31 weeks) if I had any contractions.  I said no, but honestly I’ve never had a contraction … I’m assuming if I had a contraction I would know it, right?  Just being asked the question made me realize how close to Jelly’s due date we are getting!

That pretty much rounds up my 7th month of pregnancy.  Just 8 “short” weeks (plus or minus) until we get to meet our little one.  I’m so excited!!

Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share?  I would love to hear them!






If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.



The baby is a approximately 2 lbs now!!  My belly gets bigger by the week and it feels like I am rubbing bellies with anyone I hug LOL.  When I look down the only thing I see are my toes and sometimes a portion of the tops of my feet.  :)  Here is the belly at 27 weeks and 6 days …  picture was posted on Instagram yesterday:


Pregnancy Tidbits from Weeks 23-27

Random Tidbits

Gender – Jellybean is STILL a girl!  Why “still” you might be asking?  Since finding out the gender of our little one people have told us numerous stories of the ultrasound technician saying the baby was a girl and then on the day of the baby’s birth … BOOM it’s a boy!  I’m pretty confident about Jellybean’s gender as we’ve been fortunate to have it confirmed by three different technicians at three separate appointments.  So … JB is still a girl!

Gestational Diabetes Test – Came by NEGATIVE.  YAY!

Due Date – December 23, 2013.  Even if she’s late I’m praying for a 2013 baby and not 2014 :)

Wedding Rings – Are still on!

Strangers – have started to acknowledge the pregnancy.  Some people look at the belly, then at me and smile while others engage me in conversation.  They inquire about the due date and gender or give advise on parenting.  Luckily none of these strangers have attempted to touch the belly … yet!


Congestion and Heavy Breathing … OK it’s Snoring  – At night I have been experiencing some congestion and snoring.  Though I have certainly woken the husband up on numerous occasions to point out (read complain) that he is snoring I don’t think he has ever woken me up.  Enter day 173 of pregnancy … at 3am … Husband – “Sweetie you aren’t suppose to sleep on your back and ummm you are snoring.”  Me – “Oh sorry.”  I turn over and promptly go back to sleep.  The next morning I awake to my daily bump email, which couldn’t have been more accurate!  I promptly forwarded the email to the hubby while chuckling to myself.  Quoted from Baby Bump App daily email:

“Day 173 – Don’t Be Such a Snore…  It’s 3:00 AM, and you and your partner are sound asleep. Correction: YOU are sound asleep. Your unfortunate partner is wide awake, listening to you loudly snoring away. He gently wakes you, telling you that you were snoring again, and maybe even plays back some evidence on his cell phone’s voice recorder. Take comfort in the fact that you’re in good company: plenty of pregnant women develop snoring problems, even if they’ve never snored before. It’s caused by extra weight and swollen mucous membranes in your nose, which can lead to more congestion. To help lessen the noise, try wearing a nasal strip to bed. You can also use a warm-mist humidifier in your bedroom, which will moisten your airways and help keep them clear. Soon enough, the two of you can start getting your much-needed rest.”


Jellybean is moving more and more.  Every movement is like a little gift and puts a smile on my face.  One night she was kicking from 3-4am and I loved every second.  Luckily it was a weekend so I could catch up on some zzz’s the next day. :)

Maternity Clothes

Same as the 5th month – 90% maternity clothing with a sprinkle of my old clothes, sweat pants/shirts and the husband’s shirts.

Missing Anything?

Sushi – Specifically a spicy tuna roll.  WANT … like it’s going out of style.

Happy Hour –  And not really the drinking part, but the social aspect.  You might be thinking “you can go to HH when pregnant, just don’t drink”, which of course is true.  But honestly, for me,  HH just isn’t the same pregnant.


24 week ultrasound – with my little sister.

Making progress on the nursery – We’ve picked out a paint color and purchased a dresser/nightstand.

Looking Forward To…

Meeting our little one! 

Finishing the Nursery.


Labor – Yup, still nervous about delivery!  And still pretending like it isn’t going to happen.

Sophi – adjusting to life as a big sister.  My parents always tell the story of my childhood dog, Shanna, hanging out under the bed for a 2 months after I was born.  Apparently she would only come out from under the bed to eat and go to the bathroom.  I worry Sophi is either going to become a little monster in protest of no longer being the baby of the family OR she will get depressed.  Either way my two babies are already bonding a little bit or so I would like to think!  Here is Sophi cuddling with the baby (belly) …


With the 6th month over we have officially entered the third trimester.  Seriously, where has the time gone?  Just 12 weeks +/- until Jellybean makes her debut … I can’t wait!

Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share?  I would love to hear them!

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.



Each pregnancy is different and everyone has their own list of must haves for being pregnant.  I really appreciated all the tidbits my friends, coworkers and family shared with me on what I need or will need to help me enjoy being pregnancy.  Let me be honest; I have good days and bad days.  Sometimes I LOVE being pregnant and other times December can’t come soon enough.

It’s a roller coaster ride for sure, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.  It took some trial and error in the first trimester, but I slowly identified what “stuff” was essential to a “happy pregnant Nicole”.

So here are my pregnancy essentials … at least so far! :)

Pregnancy Must Haves and Essentials for all trimesters |  Life's Tidbits

{1}  Snoogle Total Body Pregnancy Pillow with Jersey Knit Cover
After sleeping SO well the first trimester I was shocked at how uncomfortable I was in the second.  While maternity clothes shopping, my mom made friends with another grandmother-to-be and her daughter.  The woman swore by this pillow and after a 5 minute conversation on “why this pillow is a-mazing” I was sold.  I LOVE this pillow … I’m not sure the husband does though as he keeps joking he has been “replaced”.  I should have invested in a pregnancy pillow sooner!

{2}  Kashi Chewy Granola Bars
I keep at least two granola bars in my purse at all times. I learned the hard way in the first trimester that if I skip a meal or wait too long to eat I start to feel horrible. Granola bars have been a life saver when we are on the go!

{3}  Manis and Pedis {I love the OPI colors!}
A little pampering for the Mom-to-be never hurt anyone, right?!?!

{4}  Cotton Lace Waist Thong
Comfy underwear is a must! I purchased these a size larger than I normally wear to give the tummy room to grow.  They have a good amount of stretch and I probably could have stuck with my normal size (at least so far … we shall see how the 3rd trimester goes).

{5}  What to Expect When Your Expecting
To quote myself from an older post … “This book is a classic.  It comes in handy when I have questions like “is this <insert pain/ache/feeling> normal?”.  Unlike Goggling it doesn’t give all these horror stories …”

A lot of moms and moms-to-be have mentioned Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Lotion is a pregnancy must.  I just started using it about two weeks ago when the belly started getting itchy.  Luckily my friend warned me this was on the horizon so the lotion had already been purchased before the itchiness began.  I’m not sure if it will make it onto my pregnancy essential list, but will definitely keep you posted.  :)

What are/were your pregnancy must haves?



Hello second trimester it is SOOOO nice to see you! Morning (really all day) sickness is .. GONE!  HOLLA!  I feel like myself again and while I’m still more tired than normal, early evening naps are no longer required. =)  The belly and baby keep on growing and growing.  I was surprised to compare my first belly picture to the updated one.  Here’s the belly at 22 weeks (and a couple days):

22 Weeks Pregnant, 5 Months | Life's Tidbits

Pregnancy Tidbits from Weeks 18-22

Random Tidbits

As previously announced Jellybean is a girl!

Belly button is out … already! POUT.  Apparently my inny/outty belly button is taking full advantage of being pregnant and has become a full blown outty.  Hopefully it goes back to “normal” after Jellybean makes her debut.

I am craving coffee, which is weird for someone who has never been a huge coffee drinker.  Regular coffee, iced coffee and lattes … I want them all multiple times a day.  Don’t worry though, despite the craving I am limiting myself to the doctor’s recommendation of only 1 cup of caffeine per day.


Leg cramps – Holy Charlie Horse Batman!  I don’t think I’ve had leg cramps/charlie horses like this since playing ice hockey and soccer in high school.  According to my handy dandy pregnancy book, leg cramps are completely normal.  I’ve been trying to stretch my calves and eat more bananas to combat these nightly legs cramps.

Back Pain – As the belly got bigger my back started to hurt.  The beginning of the 5th month was pretty uncomfortable, but it quickly subsided.

Easily Winded – I was glad the doctor warned me that I might become winded easily.  Although I wouldn’t say I am super in shape I’ve always been able to walk long distances and go up/down a flight of stairs without issue.  Now when I walk and talk for too many blocks I get winded.  Carrying my computer and purse up or down the stairs in my building while talking on the phone … also equals getting winded.


I felt the baby move for the first time the afternoon of our 20 week appointment.  It really does feel like a “flutter”.  For me, in the beginning, it was hard to determine if the sensation was the baby moving or well …. ummm … other stomach stuff … yeah let’s put it that way.  She tends to be most active right before I go to bed.  In fact the calmer and more still I am the more I can feel her move and kick.  The highlight of any day (or evening really) is when I feel her kick.

Maternity Clothes

I’m rocking 90% maternity clothes at this point.  Sweat pants, pajamas and a few flowy shirts about sums up the clothing that still fit over the belly.  I had been holding out on buying a bunch of maternity clothes when my mom made a good point.  The earlier I buy them the longer I get to wear them!  That was all the justification I needed.  At about 21 weeks pregnant my mom and I went shopping at Motherhood Maternity.  It was honestly the best thing she could have suggested we do while I visiting the family in Massachusetts.   I now have enough clothing options that I don’t have to wear the same things over and over again.  Plus in all honesty I’m far more comfortable in my new clothes then what was already in my closet.

Missing Anything?

Turkey breast sandwiches!


Finding out Jellybean is a girl and feeling her move are definitely tied for first place this month.  A VERY close second would be the first time the husband felt Jellybean kick!!

Looking Forward To…

The 24 week ultrasound.  My little sister is coming into town and will be my wing woman for what will most likely be my last ultrasound!  It has been pretty special to see the Jellybean with the husband, my mom and even by myself.  I’m so excited though to share the moment with my little sister/Auntie-to-be.

No more traveling.  While I adored seeing so many friends and family in July, the 5 consecutive weekends of traveling was just too much for this pregnant gal.  The husband and I agreed early on in the pregnancy we were going on “travel maternity leave” starting in September.


Gestational Diabetes Test.  I am not looking forward to this test at my 24 week appointment.  I know it is uncommon and the test will probably come back negative, but I’m still a little worried.

Labor!  Despite delivery being about 28 weeks away I am nervous about it.  I think I will continue to live in denial about it for a few more weeks … currently pulling an ostrich move and burying my head in the sand.  At some point soon facing this fear is a must.  =)

Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share?  I would love to hear them!

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.


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