Nine times out of ten (it seems) the follow up question to “when is the baby due” tends to be “are you going to find out the gender?”. As I mentioned in my first trimester tidbits post we quickly decided knowing the baby’s gender was a MUST. I’m a planner by profession (what, what PMP certification LOL) and, well, it naturally carries over to my personal life. The husband always jokes I’m his walking/talking calendar and to do list.
Anyways, here were the gender predictions:
- Team Boy – Me, my sister and my dad
- Team Girl – The hubby, my mom and 3 of my girlfriends
- Team Who Knows – Everyone else.
I’ve heard stories of people who are at the doctors for over an hour trying to get their little one to turn/move into a position where they would be able to determine gender. In fact, one of our cousins had to wait until her bundle of joy made HIS debut to find out her baby was a boy. Jellybean on the other hand was chilling in the perfect position and it took the ultrasound technician just seconds to say …
I was absolutely shocked, because I was 100% convinced the baby was a boy. Clearly, I am not a gender whisper-er hahaha. Either way I am THRILLED to being having a girl. The hubby is very excited as well. Some of his hilarious comments after finding out Jellybean was a girl included …
- “I need to learn to play barbies.”
- “What do girls like to play with?”
- “She’s not dating until she’s 30!” said completely straight faced and he was 90% serious.
- And my personal favorite … “I guess this means we are paying for a wedding.” If you know my husband, you know he’s extremely sarcastic and this was said (mostly) because he thought he was being funny.
I have vivid memories of being a little girl sitting at the dinner table, in the car or even walking down the street with my mother and sister chanting “girl power, girl power girl power” while pumping our fists into the air!! My poor father was seriously outnumbered and soon enough the husband will be too. With two daughters, a wife and a dog (who was also a girl) my dad was the only male in the house. While he might like to pretend he’s a “man’s man”, luckily for us girls he is really a big teddy bear! In honor of my “Girl Power” childhood memories I purchased the perfect onesie for Jellybean.
Now that we know we are having a GIRL it is time to get started on prepping the nursery, registering and all the other good pre-baby planning stuff.
Did you find out the gender of your baby?
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