Happy 2016, friends!! Hope you all had an amazing start to the year. We kicked off the new year by celebrating Jellybean’s 2nd birthday. Our child has the ‘dreaded’ birthday that coincides with the holiday season, but seriously, I have a two year old what the what?!
Being in Bangkok meant a morning filled with FaceTime calls so Jellybean could be serenaded by family and friends with Happy Birthday and open her birthday presents. She made out like a little bandit this year, no real surprise there. A few of her favorites were the markers, scooter and kitchen.
The kitchen was a holiday and birthday gift. Yes, I know, she should get two separate gifts. The hubs and I decided that while she’s young enough not to understand one big gift from us is more than enough for the month of December.
After FaceTime we headed to the park. On the way Jellybean stopped to break it down in front of the Emporium mall {they have huge speakers playing music}. Nap time was followed by making brownies, playing and the birthday celebration concluded with watching Frozen.
Note: I had to hold onto her arm because she kept jamming her
hand in the brownie mix and smearing it across her face. LOL.
The hubs and I couldn’t bare to leave Jellybean on her birthday so we welcomed the new year with a homemade steak dinner and some Walking Dead. Have you seen Walking Dead? I didn’t think it was for me, I’m not really into the whole zombie or vampire thing, but I’m totally loving it and in full blown binge watching mode.
I’m not really good at setting or following through with goals/resolutions, but nevertheless I’m giving it a whirl this year …
- Practice Patience (It is said patience is a virtue. I never quite understood it until having a toddler!)
- Take a cooking class or two
- Continue working out regularly
- Read more books
- Improve my photography skills
- Explore more of Bangkok, and Thailand in general
I would love to hear your resolutions/goals/aspirations are for this year, if you have any! :)
Cheers & here’s to a fabulous 2016!!