This pregnancy seems to be just flying by, but feels so long all at the same time. Thank goodness for maternity/stretchy shirts and pants because my little one just keeps growing and growing. This picture was taken at the very end of the 7th month … HELLO jelly belly!

Pregnancy Tidbits from Weeks 28-31
Random Tidbits
Pants – I now sit down to put my pants on … ohhhhh so sad {blushing}. While I can successfully get dressed without sitting down it just feels “safer” and much easier to sit down. So my tush meets the bed or couch when the pants come on or off LOL. I feel like someone once told me – or I read it somewhere – that one of the most common household accidents is people hurting themselves while putting on their pants. Have you heard that or am I making it up?
Wedding Rings – Are now off *extreme sad face*. I absolutely LOVE my engagement ring and wedding band. Although I can still get the rings on/off, my fingers are just swollen enough to make the rings uncomfortable. The husband finally convinced me last weekend to stop wearing them. It makes me sad every time I look at my hand. I don’t know why I miss them so much, but I do. It just feels too early to have to take them off.
Cravings – I am over my coffee obsession. I crave something sweet after each meal … ummm yes that does include breakfast … though I do restrain myself, most of the time {evil cackle}. Even just a couple peanut butter M&Ms can curb the craving. Jelly and I just love sweets.
Daddy Approved Clothing – Jellybean now has a daddy “approved” outfit … the husband said monkeys were a must. Little did he know his mom would find a PINK monkey outfit. How cute is this outfit?!

Tidbits that Haven’t Changed
Gender – Jellybean is STILL a girl! Why “still” you might be asking? Since finding out the gender of our little one people have told us numerous stories of the ultrasound technician saying the baby was a girl and then on the day of the baby’s birth … BOOM it’s a boy! I’m pretty confident about Jellybean’s gender as we’ve been fortunate to have it confirmed by three different technicians at three separate appointments. So … JB is still a girl!
Due Date – December 23, 2013. Even if she’s late I’m praying for a 2013 baby and not 2014 :)
Swelling – My feet and fingers have entered sausage town … population 20!
Congestion – The stuffy nose and night time snoring continues.
Jellybean’s movements are getting stronger by the week. Sometimes the kicks are so strong it startles me. It shocks me (and the husband) how such a tiny little ~3 pound person can produce such a strong punch!
Maternity Clothes
Same as the 5th and 6th month – 90% maternity clothing with a sprinkle of my old clothes, sweat pants/shirts. The husband’s t-shirts are now tight around my belly so I’ve stopped wearing those. My husband is by no means a “big” guy so while it’s a little sad his shirts don’t fit around the belly anymore it isn’t shocking either.
Missing Anything?
Not worrying about what I consume. I’m fortunate not to have food allergies so having to inquire about what’s in food or worry about how it is prepared. Pregnancy has given me a whole new level of respect for people with food allergies. I’m looking forward to not having to worry about what types of food I’m eating.
Making progress on the nursery – The room has been painted. Dresser, nightstand, rug, crib and glider were purchased (just waiting for all the pieces to be delivery). Now we just have to focus on wall decorations.
Looking Forward To…
Thanksgiving – My FAVORITE holiday is right around the corner and I can NOT wait. My parents and sister will be making the trip to DC since I can’t travel to Massachusetts. While this year won’t be exactly the same as what we are use to, it will be great to all be together for the holiday.
Not being prepared – I feel utterly unprepared for our new life/reality. While the nursery is slowing coming together we don’t have diapers, a changing pad, onsies or any of those basic items. It was a conscious decision to hold off on purchasing this stuff, but I think the time has come to get some of the basics into the house.
Premature Labor – I am scared about going into labor early. The doctor asked me at my last appointment (31 weeks) if I had any contractions. I said no, but honestly I’ve never had a contraction … I’m assuming if I had a contraction I would know it, right? Just being asked the question made me realize how close to Jelly’s due date we are getting!
That pretty much rounds up my 7th month of pregnancy. Just 8 “short” weeks (plus or minus) until we get to meet our little one. I’m so excited!!
Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share? I would love to hear them!

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