I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Mine was great. It was filled with family, lots of yummy food and a very cute Pomeranian. I’m a couple weeks late with this post, but the 8th month is over and I’m in the home stretch of pregnancy. It’s absolutely crazy to think there’s only one month left until we get to meet our little girl.
My friend Sara, from Photos from the Harty, took some maternity photos of me and the hubby, a few of which I plan to share in another post. This shot of the belly did include my face, but I cropped it out so it would be kind of consistent with the other belly photos I’ve taken. Here is the belly (ie present) at 35 weeks …
Pregnancy Tidbits from Weeks 32 to 35
Random Tidbits
Toes – My toes are no longer visible when I look down; thank you belly. I can, however, still touch my toes, which I am super proud of!
Cravings – Cinnamon buns/rolls … yummalicious! I am not even usually a cinnamon lover, but apparently Jelly is.
Swelling and Congestion – Continue!
Trouble Sleeping – I’m at the point where sleeping is difficult. I’m super tired, but getting comfortable is well, a challenge. It’s apparently nature’s way of getting me ready for motherhood. =)
Jellybean is on the move. It’s so much fun to feel her move and kick. Sometimes it’s like getting a massage from the inside and other times she just gives me a quick kick to the rib cage. I appreciate every movement … even the ones that hurt a little!
Maternity Clothes
Oh yes maternity clothes are a must. My belly is far too big for any of my “normal” clothes. Only a little while longer and I will need some “in between” clothes.
Missing Anything?
Sleeping! I know I will be getting up for feedings once Jellybean is here, but what I wouldn’t give right now for a just a couple solid and comfortable hours of good quality sleep.
My Baby Shower – My friend, Rebecca, threw me the cutest baby shower at the beginning of November. It was so much fun to celebrate Jellybean’s impending arrival with so many of the amazing women in my life. Let me just say my friends have fabulous taste in fashion … my little girl already has a large wardrobe and an outfit for almost any occasion!! I would be remiss not to say a HUGE thank you to Rebecca for putting together and hosting such a perfect shower.
Looking Forward To…
D-day!! Both the husband and I are very much looking forward to Jellybean’s D-Day (delivery day).
Going into Labor at Work – All the books say having your water break isn’t really like it’s portrayed in the movies. There is no huge puddle on the floor, however let’s be real … Who wants to have their water break at work?! Even if you take the whole water breaking experience off the table the idea of getting from work to my house or to the hospital while having contractions makes me anxious. Logically I know my chances of going into labor at work are probably pretty low I get a little very nervous just thinking about it!
Only one more month to go. I can’t believe we are going to meet our baby before the end of the year (hopefully!).
Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share? I would love to hear them!