Month 5 was one of HUGE changes.  Jellybean’s personality is really quite adorable.  She is a happy little soul who spends the majority of her day smiling and babbling.  I would give just about anything to know what my little one is ‘saying’.  She seems to giggle more each day, which means I spend a lot of time doing the most ridiculous things in hopes of hearing that adorable belly laugh she has.

JB loves to go outside.  As we stroll down the street her eyes are wide as she takes in her surrounding.  She listens intently to people as they speak.  She makes this little furrow brow at people when she first meets them.  Within a few minutes of them talking to her she turns on the charm and starts smiling.  Although she likes the attention of new people she completely flips out if someone she isn’t use to tries to hold  her.  We really need to work on that, because it hurts people’s feelings when she bursts into tears!

Jellybean has become quite the busy body wanting to listen and observe new people around her.  We took her to lunch a couple weeks ago and she couldn’t focus on eating because her head was caulked to the left trying to see and listen to some folks a couple tables down from us.

Everything and I really mean EVERYTHING she can get her hands on goes directly into her mouth.  I wonder how long it will be until we see a tooth!  This kid even tries to put my cheeks and nose into her mouth.  I am just going to believe that she’s giving me kisses.  =)

We have quite the mover and shaker on our hands.  Baby girl tummy surfs, rolls back to front and front to back as well as caterpillars all over and OFF her play mat.  We have to watch her much closer now and true baby proofing is in our immediate future.  When she isn’t trying to make it from one place to another her little arms and legs are constantly moving.  It’s no wonder she’s hungry all the time … I mean she is just constantly moving and burning up those calories!!



Jellybean is napping about 3 times per day.  The two morning naps are about 30-45 minutes and occur around 9 and 11:30am.  I would love to get this down to one consolidated nap lasting about an hour or so, however I’ve had no luck.  All the books I’ve read explain how to get a baby down for a nap, not how to lengthen it (suggestions?!).  The afternoon nap is anywhere from 1 to 2 hours.  In order to keep to the bedtime routine the nanny and I implemented a ~2pm start time for afternoon nap.  It has been working out really well and Jellybean seems to adapt well to the scheduled nap.

Nighttime sleeping is improving now that the dreaded 4 month sleep regression is over!  Bedtime is anywhere from 6:30 to 7pm.  We’ve stuck to the same bedtime routine since Jellybean was 12 weeks … if it aint broke don’t fit it.  Jellybean still wakes once a night to eat.  We’ve toyed with the idea of a scheduled waking to eat, however I prefer for her to tell us when she’s hungry.  There are nights we are up at 1am, but others where she won’t wake until 5am to eat.  This leads me to believe she is almost ready to drop the night feeding.  I have a feeling at the 6 month doctor’s appointment the doctor will to tell us to stop the nighttime feedings, but we shall see.


Jellybean is a good little eater.  She rarely, if ever, turns down a bottle.  As soon as the doctor gave the OK to start the introduction of solids I was all over it!  We began with oatmeal and slowly graduated to apples, pears and sweet potatoes.  I have been hesitant to introduce too many new foods too fast.  I’m more nervous than I thought I would be about food allergies.  Next up I want JB to try cauliflower, prunes, peas and avocado.  It’s so much fun to watch her expression as she tries new foods.  Seems like she is surprised by the taste of food at the beginning of each feeding even when she’s had the food before.



JB wears size 2 Pampers Swaddles diapers.  For clothing she’s wearing a wide range of sizes.  The wardrobe consists of 3 month, 3-6 months and 6 month clothing.  It’s kind of crazy how many different sizes she fits into.  I guess similar to adult brands each one runs a little bit differently therefore size varies by brand.


  • Smiles ALL the time
  • Shrieks/Talks – testing out the vocal box
  • Found her feet {and attempts to get them into her mouth!}
  • Giggles
  • Rolls front to back and back to front
  • Tummy surfs (not sure if that’s a real thing)
  • Caterpillars


Any favorite moments from your little one’s 5th month?

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.


I’m a little bit behind in this post given the little one is almost 4 months old.  Time just keeps getting away from me – it’s crazy!  Sadly I officially turned in my stay-at-home-mommy hat and put on my bringing-home-the-bacon-mommy hat this month.  It has definitely been an adjustment for baby and mama, but probably harder on me than my  little one.  Being separated during the day has gotten easier though I would be lying if I said I didn’t still miss her terribly.  It would have been nice to put my career on hold for a couple more months (or even a year), however that just wasn’t in cards for us.  I feel fortunate to have been able to stay home for 12 weeks … I bow down to you mamas who go back to work after just 6 weeks!

I had a lot of fun doing Jellybean’s 3 month photo shoot, but I also learned some valuable lessons on the photography side of things.  Although I thought it would be easier to do the photo shoot with help it was actually more complicated.  JB kept looking at my husband and mother-in-law instead of at the camera.  For her four month photos I will probably go back to doing it solo like the one and two month shoots.



Jellybean is sleeping anywhere from 3 to 7 hours in a row during the night, which I redefined as 7pm to 8am.  She will wake 1-2 time during the night to eat and go back to bed fairly easily.  I am looking forward to the days of consistent sleep, but I will take those nights of 7 hours of sleep in a row with no questions asked!  =)

We have her on a pretty good night time routine of playing, bath, book (sometimes if she isn’t too tired) followed by a bottle/rocking and then directly to bed.  It’s been working pretty well for us so far.  I’m ever so hopeful of some sort of daytime routine in the near future.


She eats about 3-4 oz at each of her 6-7 feedings per day.  We had to increase her ounces per serving from the 2-3 we were originally offering.  The doctor explained she should eat approximately 2 to 2.5 times her body weight per day.  Ever since we’ve increased how much we offer her she has been able to wait longer between feedings, which is really nice!


She’s wearing all of her 0-3 and 3 month clothing.  A few of her 6 month clothes are starting to fit.  The 6 month clothes mainly fit her in length and are still quite large in the belly area.  I’m not really sure how she’s pulling it off, but she’s tall … unlike her mum and dad!


Smiles and “giggles”/coos more frequently.  Though you still have to work for it, she’s handing out more smiles by the day.

Rolling over from back to tummy.  She rolled for the first time on  a Saturday morning.  The husband, my mother-in-law and I were all sitting around and JB was on her play mat.  Out of no where she slowly started to roll.  I started screaming for my husband and MIL to pay attention.  Then she was on her belly with one arm stuck under her body … poor kiddo couldn’t figure out how to get it out at first.  I was beyond excited her first time was when I was around and not while she was with the nanny!!

Goodbye pacifier and HELLO hands.  She’s totally over her pacifiers.  She will briefly suck on them, spit it out and shove not one, but BOTH of her hands into her mouth.


What is your favorite tidbit from your baby’s third month?

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.

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