Last June my girl Erin got MARRIED! The wedding was beautiful and the husband, Jellybean and I had an amazing time. I am just so honored to have been her Matron of Honor. Though we aren’t related by blood this girl is like a sister to me. Our birthdays are just 10 days apart and we’ve know each other our entire lives … we met while our parents were preparing for our birth at lamaze class. But enough mushy stuff, let’s talk about the bachelorette party!
The bachelorette party and bridal shower were held the same weekend. I already shared the Badass Bachelorette Survival Kits we made for each of the ladies for the big night out. What I haven’t shared was the theme for the evening or the details of the pre-party. I’m ashamed it has taken me so long to get this post together!
Saturday night was ‘sex’ themed … yeah, I know, but it’s a bachelorette party. The night was broken into three groups …
“Foreplay” – Drinks/Bachelorette Games/Pantie Game
“Midpoint” – Dinner
“Climax” – Dancing!
The other DC based bridesmaid’s came up with the fantastic idea of doing Kamasutra themed drinks during the “foreplay” portion of the evening. They were so tasty and the at the bachelorette really like the little details and descriptions of each of the drinks. Assuming I am remembering correctly after searching my emails (errr why didn’t I do this earlier again?!) there were 4 drinks…
- The Perfect Manhattan and the Kamasutra Probe (sweet vermouth, extra dy vermouth, bitters, bourbon)
- The sexy devil (vodka, cranberry, dry vermouth, lemon peel, cherry)
- The Naked Martini (It’s a take on the classic dirty martini).
- Can’t find the name … POUT … Vodka, grapefruit and rosemary (pictured above)
And here is the drink table my friend put together … that guy still cracks me up!
Kamasutra Sex Positions: Sex Positions with Seductive Cocktails
Wilton Edible Glitter, Gold Stars
Penis Ice Cube Tray
Have you seen this before at a bachelorette party? Any recommendations on other fun ‘bachelorette’ themed drinks?