Right around the time of Super Storm Sandy the husband and I hung three photos in our hallway. The other weekend my friend and I took a trip to Michael’s to purchase stuff for my friend’s baby shower I am throwing in February (more on that in the next couple of weeks). When we were there we did a little extra curricular shopping as well! It’s hard to go to Michael’s and only buy things that were on the list. That place has so much fun stuff it’s crazy.
I love the look of “floating” photo frames and with the 40% holiday sale in full swing at Michael’s the justifications of purchasing them was complete!! I picked out two 5 x 7 and one 11 x 15 frame. I guessed on what sizes would look nice as add on(s) to the hallways photo gallery. The husband and I hadn’t even really talked about what other pictures we might add to the wall. Either way I figured three was a good a number.
For the big frame we picked this 8×10 wedding photo. I feel slash felt really narcissistic putting up this photo, but I really just love it. It’s a real smile (not just smiling for the camera in fact I think I was laughing at the husband doing something off to the side) and you can see the whole lobby of the St. Regis hotel.

For the smaller frames we did a 4×6 of our honeymoon in Positano, Italy and a fun picture from the wedding.

I think this picture is probably my husband’s favorite from the wedding. I had always promised my husband we would find a spot for the picture and a little over a year later I did! My sister did the details for this after the photographer made the little stick figures.

And can I just say that taking pictures of the hallway is kind of hard … I mean really hard to get a good shot. I think I need dimmer lights in the hallway to help with lighting for pictures. Ohhhh husband I have a new project for you hehehehe! =)

I’m not really sure how many more photos we are going to add to the hallway gallery, but I really like the new additions. This will probably be one of those decorating projects that’s not ever 100% completed. So we shall say phase 1 and 2 are complete (for now).
Phase 1:

Phase 2: The extra three pictures make the big wall look a little fuller, which is good.

So what do you think? Do you like the mix and matching of frames?
Happy Decorating!